Deaf cultures and Sign Languages of the world:
Congo-Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of the Congo)

Created 10 April 2000, links updated monthly with the help of LinkAlarm.

Congo-Kinshasan flagDavid Bar-TzurCongo-Kinshasan flag

map of Congo-Kinshasa

Flag: World flag database.
Map: - "search" for country, then "Digital Map Graphics"). OR
Map: Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection.

For a quick, interesting resource for facts about this and other countries,
try Mystic Planet - The New Age directory of Planet Earth.

Note: A flag next to a link shows what language the website is in. If it is followed by this icon: (video camera: This links to a video), it is a video in that spoken language. A flag followed by Sign Language iconmeans it is in the sign language of that country. globe (international icon)Sign Language iconmeans there is International Gesture.

Congolesian (Congolese) Sign Language Congolesian (Congolese) Sign Language dictionaries Deaf advocacy and politics Deaf and social services Deaf culture
Deaf education & youth Deaf history and current events Organizations

Congolesian (Congolese) Sign Language

International bibliography of sign language - Congolesian Sign Language (Zaïre).

Congolesian (Congolese) Sign Language dictionaries

International bibliography of sign language - Congolesian Sign Language (Zaïre) dictionary.

Sign Language dictionaries. Congolesian Sign Language (Zaïre): Cornett, David J.: Communiquons avec les sourds. Bandundu, Zaire 1990 - 243 p.

USAID in Africa > Success Stories: Deaf Students Come to Life through Sign Language. With the help of USAID, Global Deaf Connection was able to send mentors to work and interact with deaf teachers and students at the Silent Cooperative Center for the Deaf. As a result of these interactions, we are creating unique opportunities for language development and communication that would not have occurred otherwise, while simultaneously providing teachers and students' new skills and tools to become better teachers and learners.

Deaf advocacy and politics

Government implementation of the standard rules as seen by member organizations of World Federation of the Deaf - Association Nationale des Sourds du Zaire, Zaire.

Deaf and social services

Congo RDC: A backup for the deaf and dumb.

Deaf culture

CGAM: Vom Leben Gehörloser in der Demokratischen Republik Kongo. Bis zum Jahr 1985 wurde in den Dörfern und Städten der Provinz Katanga, im Südosten der Demokratischen Republik Kongo, das gehörlose Kind als ein wertloser Mensch angesehen. Sogar in der eigenen Familie wurde und wird es aus Scham zu Hause versteckt. Da es nicht hören kann, hat es auch keine Möglichkeit, auf dem natürlichen Weg sprechen zu lernen. So muss es sehr einsam, isoliert und vernachlässigt aufwachsen. Niemand will sich um dieses Kind kümmern. Oft kommt es sich deshalb wertlos vor. Manche glauben, dass ein solches Kind von einem bösen Geist besessen ist. Nicht hören zu können, bringt dem Gehörlosen im Leben große Schwierigkeiten.

David Cornett: ZoomInfo Business People Information.

Episcopal Diocese of Washington. October 2003: Kiombo.

World Deaf directory - Zaire [now called Congo-Kinshasa].

Deaf education & youth

EENET. Education For All Deaf children by 2015?

Deaf history and current events

Miles, M. (2005). Deaf people living and communication in African histories, c. 960s - 1960s. There is strong documentary evidence that deaf or hearing impaired men and women, girls and boys, did occupy social space and took roles across the full spectrum of life throughout Africa in earlier centuries, living lives like everyone else and also having some different experiences. Traces and signs of deaf people appear in many sorts of historical document, such as travellers' accounts, legal and genealogical records, government, institutional and missionary archives, linguistic studies, literature, folklore, religious narrative, mime, dance and drama. Many of their experiences have involved severe economic poverty and adversity, stigmatising attitudes and exclusionary practices; yet this has not been the norm everywhere in Africa, and many deaf people have shown great resilience, perseverance, humour and ingenuity in their dealings and communications with the non-deaf world.


World Federation of the Deaf membership information: Association Nationale des Sourds et Deficients Auditifs du Congo (ANSDACO). Contact info only. Click on "C-E" and scroll down to the country name.
