Deaf cultures and Sign Languages of the world: Serbia (Srbija)

Created 10 April 2000, links updated monthly with the help of LinkAlarm.

Serbian flagDavid Bar-TzurSerbian flag

map of Serbia and Montenegro

Flag: World flag database.
Map: - "search" for country, then "Digital Map Graphics").

For a quick, interesting resource for facts about this and other countries,
try Mystic Planet - The New Age directory of Planet Earth.

Note: A flag next to a link shows what language the website is in. If it is followed by this icon: (video camera: This links to a video), it is a video in that spoken language. A flag followed by Sign Language iconmeans it is in the sign language of that country. globe (international icon)Sign Language iconmeans there is International Gesture.

The Union of Serbia and Montenegro was formed on February 4, 2003 and officially abolished the name "Yugoslavia." On June 3 and June 5, 2006, Montenegro and Serbia respectively declared their independence, thereby ending the last remnants of the former Yugoslav federation.

Blogs and vlogs Books on deafness Deaf advocacy and politics Deaf culture Deaf education & youth
Deaf health Deaf history and current events Deaf sports & recreation General interpreting issues Organizations
Srpski jezik znakova (Serbian Sign Language) Unclassified websites Videophone and video interpreting

Blogs and vlogs

Smrt Jugoslavije:RAZGOVOR GLUVIH; - Moj Blog.

Books on deafness

WebPAC - Knjižnice Filozofskog fakulteta u Zagrebu.

Deaf advocacy and politics

ChoiceJJ. (2007, December 5). On deaf ears - Communication skills.Serbian flagSign Language icon

Deaf culture

Chupina, K. (2006, November 1). A Investment into the Deaf Community in the Former Yugoslavia.

World Deaf directory - Yugoslavia.

YouTube - gluviTV's Channel.Serbian flagSign Language icon

Deaf education & youth

Kovačević, T. R. (2005). Osnovna škola za decu oštećenog sluha i govora: "Radivoj Popović", Zemun. Beogradska defektološka škola, No. 1, pp. 1-21.Serbian flagLexical availability of deaf and hard of hearing elementary school children. Abstract: The influence of environmental factors on size(wealth and variety)of child vocabulary, and on lexical availability of words is great and significant. Active vocabulary of deaf and hard of hearing show constant growth trend. There are great individual differences in the size of active and passive vocabulary among individual vocabularies, on all age-levels of elementary school age. Hearing impaired children adapt categorical structure of their mother language are developed with age. Acquiring of knowledge in school is one of important factors which affect development and wealth of active and passive vocabulary of deaf and hard of hearing children.

Vujasinović, Z. L. & Dimić, N. D. (2000). Some vocabulary of specifics deaf and hard of hearing preschool children. Beogradska defektološka škola, 2000, No. 2-3, pp. 5-13.Serbian flagAbstract: This paper presents the research results of deaf and hard of hearing children vocabulary norms - preschool age. The research was done with 60 preschool age children - deaf and hard of hearing children and group of hearing children. On the basis of the research results, it can be concluded that there is a significant difference in consideration of structure in lexicon between the hearing impaired and the children with normal sense of hearing.

Deaf health


Deaf history and current events

mostovi br. 4 sadržaj. Geronimo Cardano, ljekar iz Padove u sjevernoj Italiji, je u šesnaestom vijeku prvi put pisao o tome kako gluhi ljudi mogu naučiti i shvatiti pisane kombinacije simbola povezujući ih sa stvarima koje oni predstavlaju. Prva knjiga iz koje se uči znakovni jezik gluhih ljudi sadržavala je manuelni alfabet i objavio ju je 1620. godine Juan Pablo de Bonet.

Projekat Saveza gluvih i nagluvih Zlatiborskog okruga. Savez gluvih i nagluvih lica u Zlatiborskom okrugu započeo je realizaciju projekta kojim bi trebalo da se poboljša komunikacija s ljudima koji nemaju takvih problema. Za čujna lica, u svom sedištu u Užicu, organizovali su Školu znakovnog jezika, specifičnog načina komunikacije među gluvim i nagluvim osobama.

Deaf sports & recreation

Šesta trka gluvih Beograda na Adi Ciganliji. Povodom Međunarodnog dana gluvih u nedelju, 23. septembra, u 10 časova. održaće se šesta po redu, Trka gluvih Beograda – Ada 2007.

General interpreting issues

EFSLI - from Serbia and Montenegro (05) - European Forum of Sign Language Interpreters.


Aktivni Spisak Organizacija Gluvih.

Gradska Organizacija Gluvih Beograda je najstarija i najveća društveno humanitarna organizacija koja okuplja gluva i nagluva lica u našoj zemlji, koja broji preko 4000 slušno oštećenih, a njih 1115 su redovni članovi organizacije.

Srpski jezik znakova (Serbian Sign Language)

International bibliography of sign language - Yugoslavian Sign Language.

Tehnologija - ukratko... IBM-ov SiSi. Ime softvera je SiSi, a dolazi od fraze Say it Sing it (Reci i pokaži). Namenjen je za automatsko pretvaranje izgovorenog u jezik znakova za gluvoneme. Trenutno SiSi koristi britanski jezik znakova (British Sigh Language - BSL) da bi putem animiranog avatara pokazao znakove koje gluvi mogu s razumeju. SiSi je modularan i sastoji se od više odvojenih tehnologija.

Yugoslavian Sign Language: A language of Yugoslavia.

Znakovni jezik gluvih. Jednoručna abeceda.

Unclassified websites

1998/02/02 19:59 RAZGOVOR GLUVIH.

Videophone and video interpreting

Video telefoniranje za osobe sa oštećenim sluhom. Ekspresivni jezik znakova. Video relej usluge ( VRS) je novi program pomoći gluvima u SAD, koji osobama sa delimično ili potpuno oštećenim sluhom omogućuje da uzajamno komuniciraju preko video telefona, bez posredovanja prevodilaca na jezik gluvonemih.
