Deaf cultures and Sign Languages of the world: Swaziland (Swaziland)

Created 10 April 2000, links updated monthly with the help of LinkAlarm.

Swaziland flag David Bar-TzurSwaziland flag

map of Swaziland

Flag: World flag database.
Map: Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection.

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try Mystic Planet - The New Age directory of Planet Earth.

Note: A flag next to a link shows what language the website is in. If it is followed by this icon: (video camera: This links to a video), it is a video in that spoken language. A flag followed by Sign Language iconmeans it is in the sign language of that country. globe (international icon)Sign Language iconmeans there is International Gesture.

Deaf and social services Deaf culture Deaf health Deaf history and current events Deaf performing arts
Deaf sports & recreation Interpreter education Organizations Religion & Deafness Swazi Sign Language

Deaf and social services

Government implementation of the standard rules as seen by member organizations of World Federation of the Deaf - Swaziland National Association of the Deaf, Swaziland.

Deaf culture

World Deaf Directory - Swaziland.

Deaf health

International Journal of Rehabilitation Research - Abstract: Volume 29(4) December 2006 p 319-324 HIV/AIDS and disability: a pilot survey of HIV/AIDS knowledge among a deaf population in Swaziland. This study sought to establish whether there were measurable differences in the level of knowledge about HIV/AIDS between hearing individuals and individuals who identified themselves as deaf sign language users in Swaziland... The deaf population was significantly more likely (P<0.05) to believe in incorrect modes of HIV transmission (e.g. hugging and airborne transmission) and HIV prevention (e.g. avoiding sharing utensils and eating healthy foods). Almost all of the deaf respondents (99%) reported difficulties in communicating with healthcare facility staff, which may result in less use of HIV voluntary counseling and testing services. This paper reports the results of this study, and discusses the need for targeted HIV/AIDS education campaigns and improved accessibility in healthcare facilities for deaf sign language users in countries such as Swaziland.

Deaf history and current events

Miles, M. (2005). Deaf people living and communication in African histories, c. 960s - 1960s. There is strong documentary evidence that deaf or hearing impaired men and women, girls and boys, did occupy social space and took roles across the full spectrum of life throughout Africa in earlier centuries, living lives like everyone else and also having some different experiences. Traces and signs of deaf people appear in many sorts of historical document, such as travellers' accounts, legal and genealogical records, government, institutional and missionary archives, linguistic studies, literature, folklore, religious narrative, mime, dance and drama. Many of their experiences have involved severe economic poverty and adversity, stigmatising attitudes and exclusionary practices; yet this has not been the norm everywhere in Africa, and many deaf people have shown great resilience, perseverance, humour and ingenuity in their dealings and communications with the non-deaf world.

Deaf performing arts

projectimisebenzi/mapasa. ARTS FOR THE DEAF. Do you work with a deaf school? If yes here is a platform of sharing and collaborating, we work with School for the deaf in Swaziland. We have identified and nurtured the talent therefore we need you to see the abilities of deaf actors, dancers and mime artist. Here is a chance for you to see them live or on DVDÕS; The group has performed for his Majesty King Mswati 3rd, Won the UNCEF Child Abuse theatre festival competition, DVDÕS of their works are available contact THE DRAMA TEACHER MR. NDLELA (+268 6176795) EMAIL:

Deaf sports & recreation

International Committee of Sports for the Deaf - Contact. Scroll down to "Swaziland Association of Sports of the Deaf".

Interpreter education

Scotland Malawi Partnership - News. Scroll down to "Deaf Action - Sign Language Interpreter Training in Malawi & Swaziland": This project involves working with deaf people from Scotland, Malawi and Swaziland, to develop and deliver a course curriculum to train, assess and register an initial 30 sign language interpreters & interpreter trainers (15 in each country). This will enable increased participation and effective contributions to be made by deaf people in education, health and civil society development in those countries. It will be co-ordinated from Deaf Action's Edinburgh office, but giving deaf people from across Scotland the opportunity to become involved in international development.


World Federation of the Deaf membership information: Swaziland National Association of the Deaf. Contact info only. Scroll down to the country name.

Religion & Deafness

Hearing Loss News and Articles: He was deaf, now he hears. A 21-year-old Swazi man has revealed how he was healed permanently after American Evangelist Ernest Angely prayed for him during his visit to Swaziland in 2002. Sifiso Nkambule was deaf and dumb since birth until he was prayed for by the Evangelist at the Trade Fair grounds in Manzini.

Swazi Sign Language

Swaziland | OSISA. Scroll down to "Swazi Constitution sidelines the disabled."
