Deaf cultures and Sign Languages of the world: Tajikistan (Tojikistan)

Created 10 April 2000, links updated monthly with the help of LinkAlarm.

Tajikistani flag David Bar-TzurTajikistani flag

map of Tajikistan

Flag: World flag database.
Map: Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection.

For a quick, interesting resource for facts about this and other countries,
try Mystic Planet - The New Age directory of Planet Earth.

Note: A flag next to a link shows what language the website is in. If it is followed by this icon: (video camera: This links to a video), it is a video in that spoken language. A flag followed by Sign Language iconmeans it is in the sign language of that country. globe (international icon)Sign Language iconmeans there is International Gesture.

Deaf and employment Deaf education & youth Organizations

Deaf and employment

CHF International: Tajikistan: Success Story from Tajikistan: Homidxoja finds a way. Homidxoja Oripov, 23-year old Isfara youth - born deaf and mute, was placed by CHF/ACT Program at “X Century”, a wood carving company, as a woodcarving apprentice. After finishing secondary school in 1999, Homidxoja started searching for a job. As he was the eldest son in the family, he was supposed to help his father to make a living for the family. In 2000, Homidxoja found a job in a local paint factory as an ordinary worker. After a year, he decided to quit because the salary was miserable. Moreover, the hard work in the factory wasn’t good for his health. In 2002, Homidxoja was hired by a local auto mechanic, but shortly, he was dismissed. The owner cited his disability and told him that he couldn’t understand what the customers were saying.

Deaf education & youth

Wikipedia. School for Deaf and Mute (Dushanbe). The School for Deaf and Mute is a special art and social sciences school in Dushanbe for students with limited hearing and speaking ability. It was founded during the Soviet era on 17 January 1975. Present address: 44a Ne'emat Karaboyev Street, Dushanbe, Tajikistan, in the northern part of the city. On the educational staff, there are a speech therapist, a sign-language interpreter and a methodologist. Since the year 2004, there have been computer classes sponsored the US State Department and implemented by Relief International Schools Online, with 9 computers, a printer and Internet access. Ms. K. D. Giyoyeva works as the teacher in the Internet Center.

Мактаби кару гунгҳо - Википедиа. Мактаби миёнаи махсуси ношунавоёни №8 шаҳри Душанбе кори худро аз соли 1975 сар кардааст. Мувофиқи қарори совети Вазирони ИҶШС аз 17 январи соли 1975 ва як қатор қонунҳои Совети Вазирони Республикаи Тоҷикистон «Дар бораи беҳбудии таҳсилоти умумӣ ва касбӣ, меҳнатӣ ва хизматрасонӣ гражданинҳои кару гунг ва камшунавоён мактаби махсус дар шаҳри Душанбе сохта шуд. Мактаб дар қисми ҷанубии шаҳр дар райони марказӣ (ҳозира ноҳияи Фирдавсӣ) бо суроғаи: кӯчаи Неъмат Қарабоев 44а ҷойгир буд. Дар мактаб муаллимон - спетсиалистон: дефектолог, забони жестӣ, тарҷумон- дактилолог ва методистон кор мекунанд. Аз соли хониши 2004-сар карда синфи компютерӣ (сарпарасташ Relief International) бо 9 компютер ва як принтер бо Интернет пайваст кор мекунад. Ин маркази интернетро муаллима Гиёева К. Д. роҳбари мекунад.


World Federation of the Deaf membership information: Tajik Republic Society of the Deaf. Contact info only.
