Deaf cultures and Sign Languages of the world: Zimbabwe (Zimbabwe)

Created 10 April 2000, links updated monthly with the help of LinkAlarm.

Zimbabwe flag David Bar-TzurZimbabwe flag

map of Zimbabwe

Flag: World flag database.
Map: Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection.

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Note: A flag next to a link shows what language the website is in. If it is followed by this icon: (video camera: This links to a video), it is a video in that spoken language. A flag followed by Sign Language iconmeans it is in the sign language of that country. globe (international icon)Sign Language iconmeans there is International Gesture.

Deaf culture Deaf education & youth Deaf history and current events Organizations Periodicals
Zimbabwe Sign Language

Deaf culture

World Deaf directory - Zimbabwe.

Deaf education & youth

Carels, C. (12 July 2000). Hope for Zimbabwe's hearing-impaired children.

Chiswanda, M. (1997). Hearing mothers and their deaf children in Zimbabwe: Mediated learning experiences.

DeafTODAY. (2003, December 15). Diplomatic spouses host Christmas party for the deaf. The Diplomatic Spouses Association hosted an early Christmas party for the children at Henry Murray School for the Deaf in Masvingo and donated a substantial number of notebooks, pens, pencils, rubbers and food recently.

Dube, S., Sullivan, K. and Wirz, S. (May 2002). How do you identify children with disabilities in remote areas for either service delivery or research programmes?: Validating the "Recruitment Tool". This is a downloadable pdf file.

International Bibliography of Sign Language - Zimbabwe.


golden marble bulletA proposal to support education of deaf children in Mutare and Manicaland through informal and practical means. Working with teachers, parents and children this project aims to improve deaf children's education in Mutare and Manicaland through inofrmal and practical learning techniques. Visits by teachers and Deaf adults to schools and camps will be arranged. Group work, learning games and different methods of teaching will be used to encourage curiosity, allow experimentation and increase participation of the children. Parents will be invited to take part in special events. Boarding schools will be equipped with games and activities to occupy the children after school. Schools will be equipped with equipment and materials for vocational subjects. Psychosocial support will also be facilitated.

golden marble bulletNyadire Centre for the Deaf. As there is no pre-school education specifically for deaf children in Nyadire, families play a crucial role in supporting their young deaf children. This project will help deaf children to develop language and learning skills through working with their family members. Parent trainers will deliver training to their peers on how to support the development of communication and learning. The project will also bring together young deaf people and their family members in support group which will meet regurlarly. This will reduce deaf children's isolation and encourage the development of self-help initiatives.

Deaf history and current events

Miles, M. (2005). Deaf people living and communication in African histories, c. 960s - 1960s. There is strong documentary evidence that deaf or hearing impaired men and women, girls and boys, did occupy social space and took roles across the full spectrum of life throughout Africa in earlier centuries, living lives like everyone else and also having some different experiences. Traces and signs of deaf people appear in many sorts of historical document, such as travellers' accounts, legal and genealogical records, government, institutional and missionary archives, linguistic studies, literature, folklore, religious narrative, mime, dance and drama. Many of their experiences have involved severe economic poverty and adversity, stigmatising attitudes and exclusionary practices; yet this has not been the norm everywhere in Africa, and many deaf people have shown great resilience, perseverance, humour and ingenuity in their dealings and communications with the non-deaf world.


Zimbabwe National Association of the Deaf (ZIMNAD). To achieve equal opportunities for deaf persons in areas of education, employment, sports, recreation and cultural activities. To provide parental support, information and advice for families with deaf children at a tender age especially in communication development. To enable deaf persons to live as far as possible independent lives. To represent the interest of deaf persons and their problems and to facilitate their participation in issues which are directly or indirectly affecting them. To create an information / education centre where National and International Pertinent issues will be disseminated to deaf persons in the Language they understand. Gender Issue, Child Abuse and Human Rights. To prevent discrimination of deaf persons.


stained glass ballCenter for International Rehabilitation Research Information and Exchange: Malawi, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe.

Zimbabwe Sign Language

Chimedza, R.

golden marble bulletEffects of different communication methods on the comprehension of stories by deaf students in Zimbabwe: Implications for classroom communication and academic achievement. Ann Arbor, Mich. : U.M.I. 1999 - 177 p.: Michigan State Univ. Dissertation. This study examined Zimbabwe deaf students' comprehension of stories told in the manual mode (Zimbabwe Sign Language), the manual plus oral mode (simultaneous communication), and the oral mode (oral English) and compared how the three communication methods were used in the classroom. Also, the study compared the effects of English and Zimbabwe Sign Language in the deaf students' comprehension of the stories. It was predicted that: (a) comprehension would be different in the three modal conditions. Deaf students would score highest in the manual mode, followed by the manual plus oral mode and score the least in the oral mode; (b) Zimbabwe Sign Language would be a more efficient method of communicating with deaf students than English; (c) teachers of deaf students would not use communication methods that their students understand best.

golden marble bulletA survey of sign language differences among deaf adults in Zimbabwe. In: Zimbabwe journal of educational research 7: 3 (1995) - pp. 314-322. The differences in the signs used for the same words by deaf adults in five regions of Zimbabwe are investigated. Prelingually deaf adults from Mashonaland, Manicaland, Masvingo, Midlands, & Matebeleland (N = 8 each) were asked to sign 120 words believed to be simple & basic for everyday use. Each word was written & accompanied by a visual depiction. The most commonly used sign for each word in each region was determined & then compared among regions. Verbs & nouns were found to be similarly signed in most regions, whereas pronouns & adjectives were signed differently. This is claimed to be due to the iconic quality of many verbs & nouns. Practical implications of these findings are addressed.

golden marble bulletThe use of sign language in teaching of the deaf. Deaf education in Zimbabwe. In: Finnish Association of the Deaf (ed): East African Sign Language Seminar. Debre Zeit, Ethiopia August 20-26, 1990. Helsinki: FAD (1992) - pp. 84.

golden marble bulletZimbabwe Sign Language Position Paper. In: Finnish Association of the Deaf (ed): East African Sign Language Seminar. Debre Zeit, Ethiopia August 20-26, 1990. Helsinki : FAD (1992) - pp. 27-29.

International bibliography of sign language - Zimbabwe Sign Language.

Zimbabwe Sign Language: A language of Zimbabwe.
